For the last few days, the news has done nothing but talk of the upcoming "weather change" and all of the rain we'd be having. I scoffed at them yesterday, right before I headed outside in jeans and a t-shirt to do some gardening.
Yesterday, the temperature hit a high of 80*, and they were predicting that it would get as high as 64* today, with 60% chance of rain. I didn't believe them, because it was so warm and beautiful, it couldn't possibly be true!
I checked the weather channel again before I headed out for my first day of substitute teaching this morning (an 8th grade math class--can you believe it?!? I did it!!!) and it still said 64* was as high as it would get today. I put on a red sweater (oh, by the way, Macy's is giving 20% off your purchase this week if you wear a red shirt...) and was uncomfortably warm at recess time.
After subbing, I shopped like a fiend. I guess being sick for the last two weeks and barely doing anything gave me cabin fever. It felt so good just to shop! I went to everything from Hallmark, to Cost Plus World Market, to Kmart, to Macy's, to Jack in the Box (yeah, I was hungry.)
By the second store, the skies were gray, and when I walked back to my car, it started to rain. I love shopping on rainy days, because nobody else does! Stores are empty, and somehow, walking around with an umbrella puts you in a better mood.
I'm safe at home now, and I should be making dinner right now, but it's so much more enjoyable to be cozy on the couch watching the rain through our big window and listening to some of Laura's music (Louly, "A Wink and a Smile" is perfect rain music!)
I'm so glad that substituting went well today. I actually had nightmares about it last night--which very rarely ever happens! I've heard from at least 3 people that the specific class I had today is very difficult to teach (just very "energetic...") and I was dreading it. I've never taught a class higher than 5th grade, and math is my least favorite class. What a combination!
But I would do anything for that principal. I absolutely love him. I absolutely love that school! I probably didn't mention this, but it's the school connected with our church. Anyway, I love the school, the teachers, the principal, and since Jesse is the youth pastor there, I know a lot of the youth! I would never pray one of those teachers to leave, but please join me in the prayer that if there is ever an opening at that school, that God would see fit to place me there!
Since it's Thursday, Jesse is actually going to be home for dinner tonight. I'm excited! It's the first night I've gotten him this week. I'd better go get started on that dinner :)
Congratulations on making it through the day! I'm so proud of you! :D
ReplyDeleteWhat are you making for dinner?