Even though Thursday was his birthday, he told me to forget about that and just enjoy celebrating what a wonderful summer we've had of working at the same place.
Out of the two of us, I'm the frugal one, so I verrrrrrry rarely ever encourage going out for something (Jesse does enough of that for the two of us. I hate to be the bad guy!) but Jesse took me out for a Jamba Juice smoothie. What a treat!
Here we are enjoying our last lunch break together.
I'm going to miss this SO much!
It's been such an amazing thing to work at the same place. Getting to stop by his office on lunch breaks, running into him in the supply room, watching him play with the kids when he needs to stretch his legs...It's been so wonderful.
Leaving that job behind means changing my whole world. I loved being so involved at the church this summer. I was able to attend all of the events, the dinners, spend time with the youth groups, and really develop relationships with members of the church.
It will be so different to only be there on Sundays again. Sigh...
I went to First Lutheran yesterday to meet the teacher for whom I will be substituting this fall. Her due date is September 9th, but she looks like she could pop any time! She's very sweet, and made me feel completely comfortable. She laid out an outline for me, but told me that she's flexible and that if anything doesn't feel right, I'm welcome to change it to fit my own style. After my 2nd half of student teaching, that is a breath of fresh air!
Tomorrow is the first day of school. Christina will teach her 1st grade class until she delivers, after which they are mine for 6 weeks. I'm so thankful that it's 1st grade! That was always my ideal, and I'm excited to finally get a chance to experience it.
There are 18 of them, which, for a private school is a lot. I'm looking forward to meeting all of them tomorrow! I've asked her if I can keep coming to school until she delivers so that I can watch her teach. The kids will be going through enough changes to not need inconsistencies between teachers. Even simple classroom cues are important!
I've begun a new blog for teaching: My Teaching Toolbox. I haven't really added much to it yet, but that's where I'll be posting teaching ideas and things that I learn!