Friday, March 5, 2010

My Little Sister Makes Me Smile ♥

Laura Allyson Mueller Tu es si adorable. Mais tu le sais.

February 3 at 5:28pm ·  · 
Laura Allyson Mueller
Laura Allyson Mueller 
ps. J'ai obtenu un "A" sur mon test de français. mwahaha.
February 3 at 5:29pm · 
Bethany Brubaker
Bethany Brubaker 
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy! c'est merveilleux!
February 3 at 5:33pm · 
Bethany Brubaker
Bethany Brubaker 
but I highly doubt that "test" is "test" en français ;-)
February 3 at 5:33pm · 
Laura Allyson Mueller
Laura Allyson Mueller 
Actually it is. I think....
February 3 at 5:34pm · 
Laura Allyson Mueller
Laura Allys
on Mueller
Ah, no, that would be examen, I believe... rats. Good thing I didn't have to brag about the french test on the french test.
February 3 at 5:34pm · 
Bethany Brubaker
Bethany Brubaker 
neiner neiner neiner!

Ladies and gentleman, the old girl still has it!
February 3 at 5:36pm · 
Laura Allyson Mueller
Laura Allyson Mueller 
Oh pooh. Go clean the kitchen.

1 comment:

Your sweet comments make my day! Thank you for coming to visit ♥