Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Birthday, Laura!

The day she came home from the hospital, I thought I was being given the best baby doll ever created.


Laura showed us right from the start that unlike her older three siblings, she was Little Miss Independent.


We all just adored her.  She fit right in to our quirky little family.



Sometimes, I think we had a little too much fun with her...but she put up with us like a champ!



Being the youngest in a big family like ours must have had its challenges,

But she never let on that it was too rough.


She was always well protected!



We just loved her to pieces


Even back then, Laura had impeccable fashion sense.

Easter dress and Jon Jon's cowboy boots?





You captured our hearts from the first day (even though Jon got sick and went into depression that you weren't his long-awaited brother...)

We've always been your biggest fans, and we love supporting you in all of your amazing endeavors.  Your talent always amazes me, and the way that you use your gifts for singing, painting, writing, and playing the guitar, makes me glow with pride.

Even though you're the youngest of four, you've never lost your identity as your own person.  You make us laugh with your cute and quirky expressions, you tug at our emotions through your incredible writing, and you inspire us as you excitedly anticipate sharing God's word with children in the Czech Republic again this summer.

It's crazy to look through these baby pictures of your cute little pixie face, and realize that the baby doll I loved when I was six years old is turning into an adult today.

Don't let adulthood scare or confuse you.  You've got a strong, determined head on those slender shoulders, and I think the trials you faced growing up as the youngest of four have prepared you for whatever comes your way ;-)  Stretch your wings, enjoy the freedom, but always know there are a bunch of crazy birds in this nest rooting for you and waiting for you to come home.

I couldn't be more proud of my beautiful baby sister.

I love you, my little one with "Big Blue Eyes!"

Happy 18th birthday, Laura!

Love, B


  1. Happy birthday to your sister!

  2. Thanks, BB. This is beautiful - almost got a few tears out of me, too. I love you so much, and am always proud to say that I am your baby sister <3

  3. Ah...Laura is just as sweet and just as beautiful as ever (Which seem to be in the M. family genes!)...Happy Birthday to her, and Happy Big-Sis day to you!!

  4. Happy 18th birthday Laura!

    Bethany, what a lovely sister you are...and your writing is beautiful!

  5. Such a cute post and pictures! I didn't know you lived in the foothills; I live in the desert of Cali, haha.


Your sweet comments make my day! Thank you for coming to visit ♥