Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Wordless Wednesday: Kayleigh in Grammy's Baptism Gown
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
With a Thankful Heart
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before him with thanksgiving
and extol him with music and song.
the great King above all gods.
In his hand are the depths of the earth,
and the mountain peaks belong to him.
The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.
let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;
for he is our God
and we are the people of his pasture,
the flock under his care.

Giveaway Winner!
Since people participated in the giveaway both here and on Happy Homemaker Me's Facebook page, I couldn't use an app to do a randomly generated number. Instead, I did it old school and wrote everyone's names and entries on pieces of paper and had my Handsome Man draw the winner out of a hat. Yeah, that's right!
The winner is...
***drum roll***
Congratulations to Anya of Anya's Green Baby! I'll be sending the festive Christmas scarf to you as soon as I contact you for your address :)
Blessings to everyone this Thanksgiving Eve!
Happy Homemaking!

Kayleigh at the Park

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Toddle Along Tuesday: Thankfulness
Today I'm linking up with Growing up Geeky to share thoughts of thankfulness.
It's a common theme around here.
God is so faithful, so good--how can I not be thankful?
I shared a post that I wrote this year about how thankful I am for my Handsome Man. He is such a blessing to me!
And then as I thought about it more, I went back through my blog to find other posts on thankfulness. I can't link them all up with Growing Up Geeky, but I can share them here!
November 2010--Thankfulness for My Family
November 2009--50 Things to be Thankful For
Later this week, I'm planning to write share a post about the things I'm thankful for this year. But for now, the thoughts on these posts are filling my heart. (And, I have a wonderfully busy day ahead of me, so I'd better get to it!)
What are you thankful for this year?
Please share with me! I'd love to hear :)
Monday, November 21, 2011
5 Things I Learned This Weekend
***Looking for my 3rd Blogging Anniversary Giveaway? Click Here!***
I'm pretty sure I'm in line for the Super Mom award. Either that, or 200 high school youth should be rising up and calling me blessed. What did I do this weekend? I joined my husband at the LCMS District Youth Gathering in San Diego with 200 high school kids and their youth ministry leaders.
AND this little tyke.
Yup. I was in charge of a room of high school girls and a seven week old baby. We had a blast, though! I'm really glad that I went. I'm sure it's the last DYG I'll be going to for a long time (while it's one thing to bring a newborn to the Hilton for a weekend of noisy high schoolers, bright lights, live band worship, and seminars, it's a completely different thing to bring a toddler!). Anyway, it was a good weekend of growth. Here are some things that I learned:
1. Babies pack more than high school girls. Every year, I laugh at the girls and the huge suitcases they bring. They need 2-3 changes of clothes at the most, and yet they look like they're ready to join Taylor Swift on her world tour. Babies, on the other hand, take up half of the station wagon. Between Kayleigh's car seat, stroller, play yard, diapers, burp cloths, extra clothes, and heaps of blankets, Handsome Man and I were shaking our heads and wondering why we don't own a minivan.
2. Kayleigh can sleep through anything. We had several people question our baby's hearing when they saw her sound asleep against my chest in the middle of a live band performance. Yup, she'll sleep through the loudest thing you can send our way...but why is it that as soon as her swing turns off, she wakes up?
3. Never put a recently fed baby in a Moby without burping her first. Warm, gooey spit up straight down your front (bonus points if it makes it inside your shirt!) while your baby is strapped to you. Need I say more?
4. You can't be a germaphobe when you're spending the weekend with 200 high schoolers. Everyone wants to hold that sweet little baby's hands and kiss those chubby cheeks!
5. It's really heartwarming to watch the girls from our church interact with our sweet Kayleigh Grace. Seeing their expressions as they talked to Kayleigh, and the way they lit up when she smiled at them made my weekend. I'm glad that they enjoyed their time with her, and didn't complain about having a baby along for the ride. Luckily, a 7 weeker can't really cramp your style :)
And one bonus bit of advice:
6. Never stay at the Mission Bay Hilton on the 3rd weekend of November. If you're going to pay for a nice time at the Hilton, be sure you won't be competing with groups of high schoolers who think it's a blast to race each other to the top floor on the only two elevators in the building! (We did our best to keep the craziness to a minimum, folks, I promise!)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Oak Glen in the Fall
Jesse has been going to Oak Glen since he was a little boy. I was only introduced to it a few years ago. But now, it's a special place to both of us--and this year, we got to bring our munchkin with us!
We had a wonderful time. The weather was just perfect. Crisp and windy, and completely Autumn.
We stopped at Riley's Farm, where they were doing a Colonial reenactment with school kids. Very cute!
Handsome Man stayed with Kayleigh while I ventured off toward the restroom.
Is this not the cutest outdoor restroom you've ever seen? I could easily renovate it and move in!
After that, we drove to our favorite spot in Oak Glen--Los Rios Rancho. They have the cutest little store. We bought a jug of fresh apple cider, a jar of apple butter, and a handful of different flavored honey straws. We love that quaint little place!
After gathering our goodies, we took Kayleigh up the hill for some pictures.
This precious baby has won our hearts!
After a perfect time of enjoying the golden sunset, rustic fences, and fiery leaves, we headed over to Apple Annie's to finish off our time in Oak Glen with some amazing dessert.
Remind me why it's our tradition to go only once a year?!?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
3rd Blog Anniversary and a GIVEAWAY!
Some of you have followed all along the way, and some of you have joined my adventures recently. Thank you for your part in my life! It is so much fun to come home and see comments from you and to get to share in life together.
As a way of thanking you, I'd like to have a giveaway!

One Happy Homemaker Me follower will receive this beautiful Christmas Sparkle Scarf.
To enter, simply become a follower of Happy Homemaker Me and leave a comment below telling me: What inspired you to begin blogging? What do you enjoy blogging about?
Optional additional entries:
+1 entry: become a fan of Happy Homemaker Me's Facebook page
+1 entry: blog about my giveaway on your blog
+1 entry: share about Happy Homemaker Me's Etsy shop either on your blog or on facebook
+1 entry: follow @HappyHomemakerB on Twitter
+1 entry: add Happy Homemaker Me's Etsy shop to your favorites on Etsy
Leave a comment below for each entry you make.
Giveaway ends on Wednesday, November 23rd, at 10:00pm.
Back in Business
I opened my Etsy shop last November, so excited and full of hope. I envisioned a booming crafting business where I spent all of my free time crocheting and keeping shop.
And then in January, my life turned upside down.
In the mostbeautiful, wonderful way imaginable.
I spent the first half of my pregnancy unable to focus my eyes on handiwork without getting queasy, and then the second half rapidly making things for my own little one.
My Etsy shop fell by the wayside.
But now, with this precious little girl by my side (and the opportunity to stay at home with her) I am able to get back to creating things I love.

Enter Happy Homemaker Me's Shop!
There are only a few things in it right now, but I'll be happily adding more in the coming weeks. I'm once again excited and full of hope. I'm dedicated to keeping the shop going, and hoping that selling things online will not only fuel my passion for creating handmade items, but that it can also give me a way to help my little family financially while staying at home with our little girl.
Looking for a fun and festive Christmas scarf? Is there a baby in your life who needs a pretty little hat to keep her head warm? Please stop by! I'm looking forward to adding more hats and scarves to the shop, as well as pacifier clips with matching headbands, pretty hair things, and Christmas decorations. It's all coming soon!

Surrounded by Love
Monday, November 14, 2011
This Little Piggy

Saturday, November 12, 2011
Awkward Moment at Goodwill
I tucked my sleepy Kayleigh into the Moby and headed in. This guy was stocking the shoe shelf and said hi to me when I walked in. I said hi back and proceeded to the kitchen section. I felt a little uneasy when he followed after me, but was completely confused when he pointed to Kayleigh, who had fallen asleep as soon as I put her in the Moby, and said,
"He's an angry baby, isn't he?"
I looked down at my sweet little rosebud, who was smiling in her sleep, and assumed he must be attempting sarcasm.
"Ohh," I said with a smile, "She's a good girl, and I'm thankful for that."
"Well, he's waking me up in the mornings with his crying," He went on.
I stepped back, confused. "Whaaat?"
"You live at _____, right? I'm your neighbor. Apartment #4."
I stammered that I was sorry that she was waking him up, that she's been sick this week, and that I do my best to keep her quiet. The worst part? Our apartment is a stand-alone unit. It doesn't share walls with anyone. AND, #4 is across the walkway from us! These are old buildings, and the walls are very thin.
But, whoever mistakes this little sweetheart for an "angry baby" is incredibly off base.
Smiley Girl (video of some of Kayleigh's first smiles!)
p.s. I found my jelly roll pan! Less than 2 bucks. Yay for thrift stores! But...umm, maybe I'll go to Salvation Army next time.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Family Moments {Jon and Megan's Wedding}
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wedding Preparatons
We had a lot of fun assembling the pumpkin centerpieces.
24 pumpkins to hollow out...
And fill with eucalyptus, heather, and lisianthus...
(p.s. I'm happy with very few of the photos we took of Jon and Megan's wedding weekend. We brought our new point and shoot camera instead of our Nikon D3000...and will be returning it this week because we are not pleased with it!)
My sister Laura and I made the aisle bows with burlap and heather
And so was our sweet Kayleigh--especially when she was getting some good ol' one-on-one with Uncle Jon!
I love coming together as a family and helping out.
We had a lot of fun!