Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This is the Beach

A mile's walk from my parents' home is the beach where I grew up.

This is the beach where I played with my siblings every summer, and the beach where we took this family photo back in 1995. (I sure hope it looked better than this when we mailed it out with our Christmas letter!)

It's the beach we would return to when I was home for breaks from college

It's where Kate had me pose on a rickety ladder in a crazy strong wind to get photos for one of her photography classes

It's the beach where "YES!" defined our future

It's the place that I learned very early on that  Kayleigh doesn't like cold water (in the postscript)

Why am I showing you all of these pictures?

Because it's also the beach where we took Kayleigh's one year photos this past weekend.

Tomorrow when I show them to you, I want you to understand why it's so special to me.